Kylie Smith
I’ve always been a sensitive person and for a long time I thought I was alone. Often feeling too much and not enough and never sure where I belonged. I learned to become what others wanted me to be and gave up on being who I really was.
But who was I even? Had I been gone for too long to remember who I once was? Had I traded in my truth for so long that I’d never be able to uncover it? Was it buried so deeply under my own shame, pain and trauma that I would never be able to find it again? Did I just need to learn to be happy with this “good enough” life?
I remember reading about people re-discovering their truth. I remember them sharing how brutal the journey was but how beautiful the destination became. And that choosing to save your soul might mean that you no longer fit into the people and places that you once tried to. It was in that moment that I knew I had a choice to make – to stay in the familiar discomfort or to step into the unknown. I can tell you that even though I chose the latter, I tried like hell to dip my toes back into the familiar discomfort to make it fit for a long time. Until it no longer did. It wasn’t until I fully (and fearfully) stepped into my own truth that I found myself again, piece by piece.
Maybe you see familiar parts of your own story in mine. Like something is missing. Like you abandoned yourself at some point for love, acceptance, belonging. Like there is supposed to be more to this one precious life that you have.
Maybe you know what is missing but you don’t know how to get there. Or maybe, like I did, you worry that it’s too far away to find. You find yourself feeling forgotten, wondering why God – Universe is lighting the way for others and leaving you in the dark.
Love, please know that it is never too late to step back into your beautiful light and your unique truth. You are capable and worthy of living ALL THE WAY.
I’m honored to come alongside you as you walk yourself home.